An experienced Team for agroforestry and plantations


    Key competences of the Lignovis expert team:

    • agroforestry and fast growing tree plantations (planning, planting, managment),
    • nativ tree species (e.g. hedge-rows for environmental purposes),
    • global & regional biomass potential analysis,
    • analysis and assessment of international forestry and plantation investments (including proprietary financial modeling),
    • biomass supply strategies (sourcing and logistics),
    • sustainability concepts and certification.

    Throughout the planting seasons Lignovis is closely cooperating with a qualified sub-contractor from the forestry sector. Periodically more than 30 experts and seasonal workers are involved in project implementation activities.

    More than 4,000 ha of fast growing tree plantations, agroforestry projects and multiple scientific trials have been established by Lignovis experts in eight EU countries. Through cooperations with universities and research institutes, an efficient transfer of scientific results into client projects as well as practical research cooperations are ensured.


    Michael Weitz - Managing Director

    • Dipl.-Ing. Agronomy
    • Specialized on short rotation forestry, agroforestry, project development & implementation, feedstock supply strategies, biomass potential analysis and logistics 
    • 15 years practical sector and management experience including planing and realization of plantation projects incl. sustainability concepts
    • Financial modeling, deal and asset analysis of international forestry and plantation ventures. 

    Email: michael.weitz(at)


    Tobias Peschel - Project Coordinator

    • Dipl. Ing. (FH) Industrial Engineer
    • 12 years experience in biomass supply strategy development, assessment of biomass potentials, sustainability concepts and coordination of SRP and agroforestry projects

    E-mail: tobias.peschel(at)

     Jens Burmester - Technology and Operations

    • Master Craftsman in Agriculture
    • 12 years experience in practical Short rotation coppice (SRC) operations
    • Construction and optimisation of SRC planting and weed control machinery

    E-mail: jens.burmester(at)

    Wilko Stolz - Project Implementation and Plantation Management

    • Master Craftsman in Agriculture
    • Specialized on precise and optimized plantation establishment with state of the art technology
    • 7 years experience in large scale Short Rotation Plantation (SRP) and agroforestry operations

    E-mail: wilko.stolz(at)